Thursday, May 4, 2017

Birthday Post

Today I am 18. Today I stand slightly afraid of the amount of years I have behind me, realizing that reaching adulthood doesn't mean you feel grown up. But inside of me there is a desire to fight, to come off conqueror in the great battle I am in. To win an influence, to have a voice. To be "more than just a girl who writes." Here, with the words I have in my soul, are 18 things I have learned in my 18 years.

1. Being different is truly beautiful. Diversity is what makes life the gorgeous, glorious color palette that it is.

2. Words have such incredible power. They can change hearts, inspire minds, and expand souls.

3. Technology allows us to be inspired by the existence of people who we've never even met. A genuine heart shines through a screen and touches yours even when the person is miles and miles away.

4. The value of an education is so much more than the piece of paper they call a diploma.

5. The best friends will laugh with you over the silliest things and cry with you over the heaviest ones.

6. Mentoring is the most rewarding thing I have ever or will ever do.

7. God speaks the language of trees, sunsets and mountains. It takes oh so much practice to hear his voice, but when you learn how it is THE most beautiful thing.

8. Sometimes loving someone means letting them go when all you want to do is hold on.

9. Life is seasonal by nature, and the only constant we can depend on is change.

10. A play can bring people together like not very many other things can.

11. Driving a car isn't as scary as it seems. Neither is just about anything in life once we take the first brave step and try.

12. Poetry and music move the core of who I am and help me see fresh new perspectives every day.

13. The desire to share your light can be blotted out easier than a candle flame. Don't let it go out.

14. My parents are pioneers, constantly forging new paths and showing me the importance of daring to be different.

15. The teenage years aren't as fun and vibrant as the media portrays it to be. Most of the time, it will feel like one big heartbreak, but no matter how dark it is always a path leading you to a better place.

16. Formal dances are overrated.

17. No matter how hard we try, or how much we love, the only person who can decide to change a person is themselves.

18. Life is beautiful. Even though it can be really really awful and hard and dark sometimes, there is a redemption and a healing that runs through the very fibers of who we are, through the very soul of nature, that shows us that the story of sacrifice and rescue and love will never get old. We will always cheer for the underdog, we will always want to see the darkness turn into light. And we are that way because Jesus Christ did it first. He is the conqueror that shows us what is possible.

If you want to see 18 facts about me at 18, check out the blog I started with my friends a little while ago here.

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