Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Month of March


      Favourite part: It most certainly is not a hard decision this month. My favorite part was definitely when I started rehearsals for my first play as a director. It was one of those experiences that is just like fitting a puzzle piece into the right spot. I found a place to belong. I love directing and I love my Shakespeare kids. They make my dark days brighter and they have such wonderful souls, yearning to find their purpose. I love being able to make a difference in their lives and use my talents to create something wonderful. #longrant
      reading: Anthem by Ayn Rand. Super fascinating, and fairly short read. It REALLY makes you think about the meaning of personal liberty and how important it is in our lives.
      listening to: STILL Aurora :) I have yet to find anything better and she has currently ruined me for almost any other music. So yeah.
     learning: that true joy comes from being where God wants you to be, and doing what He wants you to do. I think He has been speaking to me the past week and a half, telling me that my passion and love is where it is for a reason <3
     thinking about: This quote: "Anesthesia and amnesia are the two great sins of our culture. We forget and we go numb." Francis Weller. The more I have pondered on this, the more I have realized that it touches the very core of human nature and it's flaws, and it's FASCINATING.
     doing: homework and play rehearsals :) \
      next month: I turn seventeen years old. It's the usual feeling upon approaching a new age, a new chapter in the book of life. (yes, I just used that cheesy analogy). I'm a little hesitant, a little excited, and a little disbelieving. But soon, I will be a year older and hopefully a little wiser. 

I hope you had a great month and that your April is as beautiful as can be hoped for!



 the soft grey shadows cover the trees. the quiet dust settles on somber grey mountains. grey faces, grey rain, grey stones. i wonder where the sunset has gone, for all is grey. the color has slipped away-.  we cannot see that which we cannot feel. 

Grey. The color of sadness that has frozen over. the color of the clouds when they have cried out the last of their tears. the color of my eyes when I look in, in to their foggy depths and wonder where the sun has gone.
Grey. the color of ashes, skittering, scrambling across the ground. the color left behind when a passionate blaze has burned itself into oblivion.
Grey is what numb looks like. Grey is when you've been blue for so long you can no longer muster up a speck of color.