Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year, New Blog!

New Year's is such a cool time of year. It's the perfect opportunity to decide to take action and make changes in your life. For me, it's always been a big deal to make New Year's Resolutions to change the world and end bad habits and make myself into that ideal girl. But if you think of it in strictly logical terms, the whole New Year's thing is just an excuse for people to postpone their goals. I mean, honestly, any day of the year could be a resolution making one. You just have to make a decision and follow through. But, not being a strictly logical person, I am going to persist in believing in the magic of the New Year (just the phrase is full of promise) and I'm going to take this opportunity, not to make specific boring goals that you get sick of within seconds, but to adopt a new outlook on life, one that every human being on this earth could use.

 I am going to try my hardest to view things as optimistically as possible and see life as an adventure even in the most mundane details. And LIVE SPONTANEOUSLY!!! Cause life is a million times more enjoyable when you don't stress about every detail (something I've learned from experience). The world is a lovely place to live if you decide to seek out the beautiful and exciting in everything. Now here's what I'm not saying: I'm not saying that I'm always going to be happy because that's obviously completely unrealistic. I'm not saying that I'm going to be irresponsible and throw my life to reckless abandon. I'm simply saying that I am going to try to savor the moments that come my way and take more time for pure living, being with people I care about and just enjoying the present moment.

That's also not to say I don't have goals. Me being me it's pretty impossible not to have goals of some sort. I expect to apply myself to my studies, work hard and have discipline...but to enjoy it. Make it exciting. Make it an adventure.

So there's the purpose of this blog. To share the adventures of 2015. And I'm sure there will be many since it's the year I turn sixteen, which I suppose is a big year in anyone's life. I think there is magic in the air. It's making me hungry. Hungry to taste life, no, to devour it! One bite at a time taking the sweet with the bitter and the savory and the sour. Everything! This year is definitely special. And I reserve the right to be as naive and make as many mistakes as I need to.
Here's to a great blogging year! And hopefully, a better me at the end of it.

P.S. A huge chunk of credit for the making of this blog goes out to my fantastic mother who loves me unconditionally and encourages me to reach for my dreams. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you
