Thursday, December 1, 2016

October & November

Heey! So I sort of forgot to make my October post. Whoops. By the time I realized I hadn't done it, it was like the middle of November anyway. So here is my recap from the last TWO months :)

Favorite part: Going to two beaches in two different states in one day on our family road trip.
Reading: Did I read anything? Wow if I haven't even finished a book in the last two months I'm pretty sure I'm questioning that I'm even still myself. Yikes. I am reading a book right now though! It's Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy and it's super good so far. I'll update you when I finish it. Oh gosh.
Listening to: For the most part, Sabrina Carpenter's EVOLution. Seriously good stuff. Also, Regina Spektor's new album is amazing, and so is a song that I just heard for the first time like two days ago. Go listen to Let me Love the Lonely by James Arthur.
Learning: Chemistry! And how to stay sane in stressful times of life and during emotional issues. I'm hanging on, and things are starting to look brighter so that's way awesome.
Thinking about: The future. And learning to see it in a hopeful light. The present. And learning to stay in it with joy.
Doing: Working, teaching drama classes, homework, college applying, crying from stress, etc.
Next month: Christmas!!! And also New Year's which is my favorite time of year of all the times of year. Soo pumped. But before that, finals and finishing up the semester, throwing Christmas parties and keeping a charitable Christmas spirit in my soul.
Goodness, life is good. I am what I call a serial goal maker and I have made a goal to post a poem everyday in December. Scroll down if you would like to see my first one, and have a lovely day.

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