Wow. Looking back on this month is something like looking back through an exciting book you've just finished reading, remembering the highs and lows, and realizing that the end feels much bigger than the beginning :) so much has happened this month, and it has been a time of incredible growth for me. I'm so grateful for the many opportunities in my life that have led me through an amazing month! That being said, I'm going to hop into.....
My February Wrap-Up
favourite part: Oh my. I have to say this is a quite difficult decision. So much awesomeness to choose from. But probably my overarching favourite moment, was when I graduated from a class I've been taking. I won't go into detail, but it was a huge milestone in my life, the culminating capstone of a journey of many years. The whole thing has been a quite amazing experience, with some pretty amazing people on the journey with me. I am still incredibly grateful for the influence they have had in my life and the things I've learned along the way.
reading: Lots of things for school, but beside that I'm currently reading a lovely book, a biography of Gene Stratton Porter, who is one of my favourite authors. It is a gift from a lovely person which makes it even more special :) and it makes me happy.
listening to: So much Aurora. I have an obsession. Her voice, personality, passion for life, and simple wisdom is 100% magical. Listen to her music, and your life will be forever changed :)
learning: Soooo much. It's kind of crazy, actually. But I think probably the most important lesson of this month was that I can simply be myself. I know it's something we hear all the time, "Just be yourself". But I really and truly learned it this month. That it really doesn't matter what people think of me. That if people dismiss me because of who I am, then they aren't worth it. That I should be kind to people, but that it's pretty darn useless to try and make them like me. So I guess you could say I'm learning how to be happy in myself and with myself.
thinking about: what a beautifully fascinating thing life really is. I mean honestly, there are so many interesting and wonderful things all around us that we simply take for granted. So I suppose I'm thinking about truly enjoying and experiencing life to the fullest.
doing: Supreme Court Simulations, public speaking, studying, reading, writing, casting a play....oh, and crying :) the good kind though.
next month: The rehearsals begin for the very first play I've ever directed in my life! I'm crazy excited, like I get giddy every time I think about it, but at the same time my life is going to get INSANE. And I'm praying hard.
P.S. If you read this, thank you so much! It means the world to me that you took the time to do that. I have a goal to one day influence many, many people through my words on the Internet, and just know that by reading this, you have helped me to come closer to accomplishing that.
Much love,
Much love,